Sapphire Hair Transplantation

What is Sapphire Hair Transplantation?

Sapphire hair transplantation is the technique in which the channel is opened with the help of a sapphire tipped special pen. Sapphire ore has many positive effects on the human body. Experts have developed this method after they have proven that they support the nutrition and adhesion of newly planted roots as a result of their studies. With the addition of sapphire technology to the Fue technique, the success of the process has been doubled. Due to its benefits to the tissues, the sapphire substance has a versatile working system in the body. The most important feature that distinguishes it from other methods is the material from which the pencil is produced. Sapphire metal is a substance that is very important for the human body and is necessary for the regeneration of cells. The pens used for the procedure are made of this material. In this way, there is no harm to the roots during the collection and planting of the roots. On the contrary, sapphire is a substance that nourishes the roots and makes them more durable. Sapphire hair transplantation is the procedure with the most successful results as a result of the research. Over time, our hair, which is very thick and durable, may disappear permanently for unknown reasons. Thanks to the developed techniques, this problem is eliminated.

How is Sapphire Hair Transplantation Applied?

The process steps are the same as the fue hair transplant process. No different device is used during the collection of grafts. However, the channels opened for sowing are applied with the help of a sapphire-tipped device. How classical fue planting is done, this application is done in the same way. In this way, the damage to the skin is minimal. In addition, sapphire has the effect of accelerating tissue repair. It supports cell proliferation and oxygenation. It accelerates the blood circulation in the canal. In this way, it allows the roots to cling. Sapphire hair transplantation is the most successful method among transplantation procedures in recent years.

What are the Advantages of Sapphire Hair Transplantation?

The transplantation process, which is made using pens made of sapphire material, provides great advantages to people. If we list these advantages. 1- It does not damage the tissue during grooving and does not cause side effects such as swelling and redness after sowing. 2- It supports the attachment of the roots and all the roots planted can cling and grow lushly. 3- The results of hair transplantation show themselves in a very short time. Roots begin to grow immediately. 4- Operations can be returned to daily life. There is no long and painful recovery period. In newly established and for-profit clinics, steel-tipped pens may be introduced as sapphires. In order to avoid such situations, you should be as careful as possible in choosing a clinic. Otherwise, you may experience financial losses.

Who is a suitable candidate for Sapphire Fue?

Every individual who has a good general health condition and does not have any obstacles for sowing can have this procedure done. In addition, sapphire is a hypoallergenic substance. People who do not undergo transplantation due to serious allergic reactions may prefer sapphire hair transplantation method under the control of a specialist physician. First, a physical examination is arranged. As a result of this examination, the doctor does some tests. It decides whether you are a suitable candidate for the procedure. At this stage, you can consult your doctor with all the questions you have in mind. It is important for the procedure that the general health status is in place. Anesthesia is applied to the procedure. Therefore, the general health status of the person should be in place. Specialist physicians state that people who want to have a hair transplant should complete their hormonal development. It says that people who use harmful substances such as alcohol and cigarettes should quit at least 1 month before this procedure. If you have serious problems with alcohol use, you should inform your doctor about this issue.

Stages of Sapphire Fue Hair Transplantation

It consists of three basic stages: graft collection, canal opening and transplantation. The duration of each stage varies according to the patient. For this reason, the result of the transaction, as you imagine, completely depends on the trading plan. The genetics of each individual and the condition of the hair follicles are not the same. For this reason, this criterion should be considered in the planting plan and the process should be done accordingly. The stages must be completed by conducting a meticulous and thorough study. The most important issue is that the collected grafts are adapted to the correct waiting procedure. Otherwise, the probability of transplanting damaged roots increases, and the expected successful result cannot be obtained. Your doctor will give you detailed information about the process stages during the first examination. Each step must be implemented meticulously and carefully. Sapphire hair transplantation, which is high in cost, should be taken carefully.

Collection of Hair Roots in Sapphire Fue technique

First, the donor area is determined. It is cleaned with a special antiseptic solution. Local anesthesia is applied to this area. Roots are collected one by one with the help of a special pen. The collected roots are extracted. It is kept closed in a special solution in order not to lose its moisture content. Trained health workers should take root. Root collection should be done in a certain routine to prevent the opening of the donor area. Generally, 1 root is taken out of 7 hair roots and the procedure is applied. Almost all of the roots collected in the sapphire hair transplantation technique are planted. The first goal when rooting from the donor area is to protect this area. Otherwise, the roots in this area are also damaged and baldness begins in this area. Sapphire hair transplantation stops the shedding and at the same time causes the baldness problem to disappear permanently. The number of roots required for planting should be determined correctly and the process should be carried out. Excess root removal is problematic for the existing hair volume. Therefore, the experience of the physician is very important.

Opening of Channels in Sapphire Fue Technique

The most important feature that distinguishes it from other planting methods is the material used in the channel opening phase. While steel-tipped pens are used in routine operations, sapphire-tipped pens are preferred in this method. The skin integrity of the skin tissue, the circulation status and the size of the channels are completely adjusted in accordance with the cell development. In this way, the roots can hold on to their new sockets. Channel opening time varies according to the number of roots to be planted. A single channel is opened for each root. Therefore, the processing time is long. The procedures performed by healthcare professionals with advanced hands-on experience are trouble-free and short-lived. In addition, thanks to the features of the device used, the channel opening time is shortened. This process is very advantageous because of the short duration of the procedure and the preservation of root quality. People who have a decrease in the roots, especially because of excessive hair loss, can prefer sapphire hair transplantation with peace of mind.

Planting Roots in Sapphire Fue Technique

Roots are planted one by one into the opened channels. Two different issues are important at this stage. The natural hair root comes out to the scalp at an average angle of 40-45 degrees. Root planting is not recommended by people who do not have sufficient experience. Otherwise, the processing results will have a completely artificial appearance. It is a phase that is completed in a shorter time as it is applied after the root planting preparation phase and channel opening process. If it is applied by specialist physicians in the field, extremely successful procedures can be performed. Sapphire hair transplantation is the most preferred and frequently used most successful technique in recent years.

Why is Sapphire Hair Transplant Important?

Hair transplantation procedures are not very inexpensive procedures. A certain budget must be allocated. For this reason, people want to be satisfied with the result of the procedure and achieve the hair density they dream of. Because less and sparse hair causes psychological deterioration and lack of self-confidence. The probability of failure after sapphire hair transplantation is almost negligible. For this reason, this method is the sowing process, which has become increasingly important and demanded in recent years. If you have questions about the procedure, you can compare the results of other techniques with the results of this technique and see the difference.

What Should Be Done Before Sapphire Hair Transplantation?

There are some points to be considered before the sowing process. Substances such as alcohol and cigarettes should be stopped 1 week before the procedure. People with chronic diseases should give detailed information about this issue to their doctor. People who use blood thinners should tell the doctor and stop using it from the day recommended by the doctor. Care should be taken in choosing a hospital and physician. Price research should be done. You should not trust clinics with low satisfaction rates. Sapphire hair transplantation is an expensive application compared to other techniques. For this reason, institution selection should be made by conducting detailed research.

What Should Be Done After Sapphire Hair Transplantation?

After the procedure, you should follow the recommendations of your doctor. Hair should not be touched with water for the first 3 days. People who use blood thinners should consult their doctor and use these drugs. As a result of heavy bleeding, the roots are damaged and cannot hold. Therefore, the operation occurs unsuccessfully. Alcohol and cigarettes should not be used. If pain is experienced, painkillers recommended by the doctor can be taken. The crusts of the crusted areas should never be touched. In a short time like 10 days, the crusts go away on their own. Your specialist will tell you what you need to do after sapphire hair transplantation. People who do not find what they expect from the results of sowing can make a new application by meeting with the specialist physician and re-arranging the necessary treatment session. The doctor may give permission for an additional session after performing the necessary health checks. The patient’s age, hormone metabolism and general health are the considerations for a new planting. For the transplantation application, the application area needs to be healed sufficiently. The second planting may not show the expected effect due to reasons such as the formation of new damage.

When Will My Hair Grow After Sapphire Hair Transplant?

The roots planted in the first 3 months come out, but since these roots are not permanent, there is no elongation. At the end of 6 months, permanent roots emerge and begin to grow. At the end of a year, elongated hair is seen. A person’s hair growth rate reaches a faster period thanks to the sapphire substance used. Sapphire hair transplantation results show themselves in a shorter time compared to other techniques. After the procedure, applications such as prp and mesotherapy are treatments that increase the effect of the procedure and affect the elongation rate. These treatments should be arranged as at least 2 sessions. Mesotherapy must be of the type that will meet the needs of the person. Otherwise, it will be an ineffective treatment.

Sapphire Fue First Wash / Wound Care

The first wash can be applied 3 days after the procedure. In general, the first wash can only be said to be the contact of the hair with water. In general, it is recommended to be applied by health workers in the hair transplantation center. Appropriate lotion is applied on the hair roots. In this way, crusting is softened. In some cases, it has been observed that the bark is shed on the roots while falling off. Therefore, softening the scalp is of great importance. Hair follicles may not be able to hold onto the newly transplanted area yet. Therefore, many face the risk of spillage during washing. For this reason, professional washing is recommended. The lotion should stay on the scalp for at least 30 minutes. Shampoo should be used by lathering by hand, not on the hair. During the washing process, the hand should not touch the head area as much as possible. Massage movements should never be done. The pressure applied to the roots causes serious damage.

What to do in the first 1-3 months after Sapphire Fue Hair Transplantation?

In the first month after the procedure, edema and redness are completely gone. At the end of this period, the roots begin to cling, and the transplanted hair grows slowly. It occurs in the first spills together with crusting. Almost all the hair that grows out falls with the shedding, which we call shock shedding or breakage. Regular doctor control is required for the first 3 months. Additional maintenance procedures such as prp are applied during the controls. In this way, the roots are attached and strengthened. The most important advantage of the sapphire hair transplantation process is to ensure that the roots are nourished without planting. Especially in the first three months, sapphire material shows its effectiveness seriously.

What is done in the first 6 months after Sapphire Fue Hair Transplantation?

The shock includes the period when the shedding ends and permanent hair appears. During this period, applications that accelerate hair growth can be made. Eating a balanced and healthy diet is necessary at all stages of our body. Consuming plenty of water ensures that the hair is moisturized and more durable as a result of the transplantation process. During this period, it is recommended to apply professional hair treatments twice a week. It is easier for the transplanted roots to settle and hold. The first 6 months after sapphire hair transplantation is very important.

What to do 1 Year After Sapphire Fue Hair Transplantation?

12 months after the procedure, the hair that will be used for life has emerged. The person’s hair has reached a length of at least 5 centimeters. After this stage, routine hair care is applied. Hair is washed 3 times a week with suitable and natural shampoos recommended by the doctor. Regular mask application should be done to increase the humidity and prevent the hair from drying out. Washing hair frequently causes it to lose its natural oil and dry out. For this reason, washing should be done at certain intervals. It should not be exposed to heat continuously for shaping purposes. Chemical-containing products damage both the scalp and hair. For this reason, they should not be used because they are affordable. Sapphire hair transplantation ensures that newly grown hair is brighter, more vibrant and stronger than existing hair. It also can nourish existing hair.

Sapphire Hair Transplant Prices 2022

Since the transaction costs are not fixed amounts, offers must be obtained from different health institutions. Sapphire is a costly material. For this reason, it may seem like an expensive application compared to other hair transplantation techniques. However, when the transaction results were seen, it was determined that the price paid off. After other transplantation methods, the rate of hair regrowth may be very low. However, health institutions that practice sapphire guarantee successful results. Institutions must give this guarantee because people want to get their money’s worth visibly. Otherwise, they draw a bad image profile, so they always must keep the quality in the foreground in their services. Transplantation is a procedure applied for purely aesthetic purposes. Therefore, the fees for this transaction are fully paid by the person himself. It is a transaction that is affected by the exchange rate difference. Transaction costs also change as exchange rates change. We recommend that you get clear information about the prices of the sapphire hair transplant application by conducting one-to-one interviews with the hospitals.